ICTAS at the Corporate Research Center
ICTAS at the CRC

ICTAS’ facility at the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center encompasses 33,766 square feet and is located at 1991 Kraft Drive. The building is home to the ICTAS Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory (NCFL) and is designed to minimize interference to instruments from environmental factors such as building vibration and stray electromagnetic fields. The NCFL offers sophisticated instrumentation, including advanced equipment for electron microscopy, optical microscopy, and several other spectroscopic techniques.
The building also houses the Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership, an FAA-designated UAS test site that leverages operational capability, aviation expertise, and robust research resources to take on the most pressing technical and operational challenges in UAS integration.
Address: 1991 Kraft Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060, Building 19