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Research Overview

ICTAS enhances research by helping faculty build collaborations across disciplines and seize high-impact opportunities. Multiple avenues of support fuel the expansion of existing projects and nurture new ideas, generating innovative solutions to global challenges.

Focus Areas

ICTAS supports research organized around complex, transdisciplinary problems on which Virginia Tech's talented faculty are poised to have a significant impact. This solutions-oriented approach is formalized in the university's Destination Areas and Strategic Growth Areas, which help scaffold vibrant communities of scholarship. ICTAS-supported initiatives touch nearly all of the nine areas Virginia Tech has identified, and heavily involve these six: 

  • Data analytics and decision sciences
  • Adaptive brain and behavior
  • Global systems science
  • Intelligent infrastructure for human-centered communities
  • Integrated security
  • Economical and sustainable materials

We're also working to build a more diverse research community through targeted outreach and funding opportunities, including the ICTAS Diversity and Inclusion Seed Grants. These and other activities support Virginia Tech's Equity and Social Disparity strategic growth area

For more on groups supported by ICTAS, current research funding opportunities and past awarded research proposals, see below.