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Research Funding Opportunities

The primary mission of ICTAS is to increase externally funded research through development of interdisciplinary faculty teams that focus on research at the intersection of engineering and science.  All funding requests will be evaluated on the investigator’s ability to secure external funding and grow research programs.  The funding options below represent a tiered approach to funding new as well as senior investigators. 

You can find a complete list of funding opportunities in the pdf linked below, while more information regarding specific application instructions and review processes are linked within the tabs below.

Funding opportunities PDF.

Contact: Chris Tysor (, 1-976

Due Date: TBD

Award Date: TBD

Application Instructions

The objective of this program is to build direct faculty-to-faculty research partnerships between faculty at Virginia Tech and faculty at HBCUs or MSIs. Faculty will self-identify partnerships based on their specific research areas. ICTAS will offer up to $10,000 per year for two years to support the faculty partnership, with up to 15 partnerships funded.

Requirements for accepting the funding include presenting your project at the following year’s HBCU-MSI Summit (typically held mid-October) and participating in related, ongoing diversity work and activities through ICTAS.

One award will be jointly sponsored by ICTAS and the Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology (ICAT); submissions designated for this award must include a significant arts and/or design component. This award will be funded at $20,000 per year for two years and will carry additional responsibilities.

Contact: Pamela VandeVord (

First, second, third and fourth nomination deadlines: TBD

Award Date: Variable

Application Instructions

The ICTAS Doctoral Scholars Program honors exceptional Ph.D. candidates interested in interdisciplinary research with a competitive graduate fellowship. The program is led by ICTAS, with significant contributions from the Graduate School and each scholar’s college, as well as their department and/or faculty advisor. The program supports up to 40 students, housed in the College of Engineering, College of Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Natural Resources and Environment and the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.

Contact: Chris Tysor (, 1-976

Due Date: TBD

Award Date: TBD

Application Instructions

This program funds student-led interdisciplinary projects in health, education, and infrastructure. Projects should be in the field of community development, related to the overall goal of addressing problems of poverty and negligence in under-resourced communities around the world. We are expecting to award a minimum of 1 proposal at a maximum of $2,500. 

Contact: Matt Hull (, 1-5812

Due Date: Rolling

Award Date: Rolling

Application Instructions

NCFL offers limited 50/50 cost matching support to Virginia Tech personnel for (a) instructional purposes and demonstrations, (b) to collect preliminary data for external proposals, and (c) to initiate transdisciplinary collaborations.

Contact: Matt Hull (, 1-582

Due Date: November 1, 2024

Award Date: December 6, 2024


The NCFL Faculty Fellows Program offers faculty funding ($22,500/award) with the goals of:

  • Advancing nano-enabled research at Virginia Tech
  • Enhancing NCFL capabilities
  • Increasing the likelihood of securing external funding. 

Awardees must be a faculty member, use NCFL tools, collaborate with core facility team members, and plan to accomplish the goals listed above. 

The NCFL Faculty Fellows award may be used in combination with NCFL Mini Grant funding, and such usage is highly encouraged. 

The review process will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Research Plan
  • Likelihood of advancing nano-enabled research at Virginia Tech, enhancing NCFL capabilities, and securing external funding
  • Use of NCFL instruments and engagement with NCFL core team members
  • Qualifications of faculty applicant
  • Appropriateness of budget

Anticipated support begins December 25, 2024, for the spring semester, and May 10, 2025, for summer salary. One to two awards are anticipated for 2024-2025, and winners will be notified by December 6, 2024. Please note that there is a limit of one proposal submission per faculty member.

Contact: Pamela VandeVord (

Due Date: TBD

Award Date: TBD

Application Instructions

The Engineering Faculty Organization-Opportunity (EFO-O) Seed Investment Grant supports transdisciplinary projects led by Virginia Tech engineering faculty, with the goal of increasing the chances of success for subsequent proposals for external funding. In FY24, up to 10 one-year $10,000 seed grants will be awarded. 

Research teams must be headed by a faculty member in the College of Engineering and include faculty from multiple departments and/or colleges. 

Contact: Chris Smith (

Due Date for Cycle 1: 3/1/24, Due Date for Cycle 2: 10/1/24

Award Date for Cycle 1: 4/15/24, Award Date for Cycle 2: 2/1/25

Application Instructions

This fellowship seeks to strengthen the university's ability to recruit outstanding, diverse postdoctoral associates and prepare these exceptional researchers for the next step in their careers. Fellows will receive two-year appointments with national competitive salaries and benefits, $10,000 for training and professional development expenses, and mentoring and professional development.

Candidates may be from any discipline or field; fellowships will be awarded in Research Frontiers and Cybersecurity tracks. The program is jointly sponsored by the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, the Fralin Life Sciences Institute, and ICTAS.